Cat wheels
My personal experience with them
I found the cat that we got the wheel for - my Auntie’s cat just sniffed at it - and egnored it. Cat’s will be cats! If they did place a paw on it they quickly took it off as they were nervous about the movement. I saw lots of Instagram videos of cat’s running at epic speed with the wheel (especially Bengal cat’s) but the kitty I had in mind wasn’t interested. I started to build up positive associations around the wheel by placing treats near it (not on it) as that would have been likely to spook them, with the movement. Eventually after a few month’s we felt he wouldn’t use it so we invested in a ‘da bird toy’ instead! He may have done if we had left it for longer…
What to think about if you’re going to buy one
They are very large so ensuring you have a suitable location is key. Some cats may feel intimated by being watched if it’s placed close to a window so I’d avoid this.
I’d recommend that you only allow your cat to use one if you’re there to watch just in the event of any injury (paws are sensitive as you’ll know!). There are some brands that have a bigger base and can avoid paws getting trapped for example, One fast cat brand has a small gap compared to Keyzone which has a big base.
Ensure it’s the right weight and sturdy enough for your cat.
Check reviews out to see if they are noisy. If they do use it, they may do so at night as that is when cat’s tend to be most active as they are crepuscular.
Place the legs to the wheel in a safe place and attach the lock when you don’t want your cat to use it.
If you have more than one cat then ensure they only use it individually and not together. Imagine sharing the treadmill with your best friend (one may be faster than the other…)
I would avoid placing it near litter trays, food and water bowls and any resting spots if you have more than one cat so they are not disturbed.
Play can help prevent obesity and aid weight loss – you’ll know what toys your cat loves bets.
How to introduce your cat to one
Well, first things first, let them have the box that it has come in of course! J Cardboard boxes have been shown to reduce stress in cats.
Leave it and reward them for any attention to it.
I would avoid shining a laser pen on it as laser pens can cause frustration in cats as they are never allowed to catch it.