Training your cat to help prevent boredom and behaviour problems 

Introducing a marker word/clicker


Clicker training is a positive reinforcement training method where the trainer holds a device that emits a click noise when pressed. It is pressed when an animal offers a desirable behaviour and reinforcement is provided after the click (Dorey et al., 2020).
The marker word “yes” or good can also be used as sometimes some cats can be scared of the sound of the clicker. They have incredible hearing afterall.


Here’s what you’ll need:


Some treats.


A clicker (if you choose to use one I recommend holding it under your sleeve to muffle the sound).


How to do it


Start in a non – distracting environment.


Say the word “yes” and immediately give your cat a food reward.


Repeat this behaviour 10 times.


Then you can start adding it in with your training.


You can get a target stick and as soon as your cat touches it you can say “yes” or click and the immediately give your cat a reward.


You can also do this with other things such as training your cat to high five!



Cats and children


Cats and the vet clinic